So heat and IBS eh?
Not necessarily a fun time for us, with the temperature rising about 28 degrees in most places so many of our community are suffering more than normal.
I am in this group, I love the heat up to a point (being a redhead means I get sunburnt and heat stroke within minutes of stepping outside), the requirement for more hydration, wanting to taste the coolness of alcohol or straws in frozen drinks can be too tempting for many of us. I am pretty good with the tee total situation after breastfeeding for 23 months and having had issues before my pregnancy, I haven’t actually drank in nearly 4 years now, however straws and ice cold drinks are another matter. Today, I backed down and had my first Ice Lolly in over 18months I do prefer ice-cream but I am barely managing red Leicester cheese so I am controlling myself with the dairy issues for the moment. I am determined that I shouldn’t have an issue but unfortunately for me a flare up could be for whatever reason my stomach decides for example booking a hair appointment for next week.
IBS seems to really play up as our body temperature rises, the invitations for social events start popping up and our kids want to play more, sleep more, struggle to sleep and generally become so much more needy. Luckily for me, I don’t have friends nearby who actually would bother with an invite and with kids we are all feeling the strain of our kids and their moodiness after the lack of sleep due to the warm nights. Plus mine is just getting over a cold so kinda a put off for most anyway.
Truth is my mornings are my better time of day, anyone find that certain time of the day is their better time and try to take advantage of this?
Yesterday, on the fly I decided to take the child and the dog for a walk at Benthall Hall, it’s a small national trust hall but there is public footpaths around it and a large carpark. I haven’t been in since way before lockdown and in deciding to just get in the car and go my anxieties and IBS had no chance to cause me crap (pun intended, haha). It felt amazing to just wander a very, and I mean very short distance as little girl wasn’t as keen and myself and the puppy were. In her faffing, I could just breathe in the fresh air, enjoy the fields and tractors working and just be in the moment. I find it hard to be in a town, the constant chatter, lawn mowers, car traffic and enclosed spaces literally has not helped my mental health but it is the best we can do and it’s the best place for our family considering we have access to a childminders and she can socialise with children next door too.
Anyway yesterday afternoon, was pretty crappy my IBS was playing up, with pain, bloating, discomfort, low mood and being bed ridden. Felt like everything id done in the morning with them was undone by my health issues and my inability to be normal and spend quality time before Will goes to work in a touch over a weeks time.
Today, I’ve fought every second to be present and not allow my IBS to get the better of me, from the moment I got up I’ve been tender and uncomfortable more so than a normal day. I’ll add now I am one of those who is never out of discomfort ever, its just some days are better than others which is why I am pushing myself to get this condition managed leaving it to take 2 years of my life isn’t good enough for me or my family so its time to get my arse in gear. Don’t get me wrong its going to be a long difficult journey but I am so going to do this and with the help of my people, my family and my friends I am going to do this.
I have spent some time upstairs in bed but only to stave off any major issues due to over-tiredness or pushing too hard, however I am pleased of what I’ve achieved: washing on, washing hung out, washing put away, more washing on, washing brought down, more washing hung out, more washing put away, played with little girl and lounged with the dog. Not bad for a person who can barely get washing done and entertain a toddler on a good day.
On a brighter note I hope you were able to enjoy some part of this short british summer and there is been some good times in this otherwise sometimes bleak existence.
#ibssufferer #ibswarrior #summertime #hotdays #toddlermumlife #longroadhead #heatandibs #irritablebowelsyndrome

My 1st Ice Lolly in 18months!