We all know lack of sleep isn’t good for us for long periods of time, but as youngsters we manage it well unless we have IBS.
As a youngster I hardly ate in general in turn not really helping my poor bowel many years down the road, however it was also an unconscious decision to ensure I was able to go out and do whatever wanted to do. Be that drinking, late nights to out all night, young farmers events, pure nerves for a competition day and many others. I found that many would comment on my body shape in how it was how they wanted to be; toned, skinny but my face and skin would often let me down as I wasn’t caring for my body as much as I should have been. All of what I’ve learnt is in hindsight of course and too late to change anything.
Then I started dating my partner, I became comfortable we would eat out and I would pretty much never miss a meal. This was a shock to my system and as much as I would try to hide my pain from him when he started staying over then move in I couldn’t any longer however in saying this my flares were few and far between compared to now and more manageable.
Becoming a parent, brought a new level to tiredness no matter how much you try you will be tired as a new parent especially as an exclusively breastfeeding mother. I found this was a killer as she refused the bottle from 3months but before that it was messy as she didn’t get the hang of it and it caused a lot of upset for her. I had started to unintentionally attachment parent my daughter. I do feel genuine empathy and sympathy for single parents as having no support with any part of parenting is not for the lighthearted that’s for sure.
For awhile now, my little girl has had issues with sleeping; lots of nightmares which ends in tears and co sleeping. This means I get little sleep and what I do get is very disturbed. We’ve changed things around for 29months of her life she was in the same bedroom as us due to redecorating and I didn’t believe in shifting her out of our bedroom at 6months old what with breastfeeding and she slept very well we didn’t feel the need to disturb her routine. Just a fortnight ago, we moved back into our bedroom leaving her in her own room in the hope she would sleep in her room. The idea for me to get more sleep, be able to sleep next to my partner and reduce co sleeping, however with the heat and storms at night we’ve been back to the disturbed nights and with my partner returning to work its thrown her abit off centre. She’s not happy with the change and there is a reliance on me which means we are back to the sleep issue, with my partner being back at work I am having no break through the day and today meant I was hit by a nasty flare up today.
I know people will continue to tell me I need more sleep but as parents sleep can be hard especially during rough periods with illness, regressions and general disturbances. I take what I can when she naps every 4 days, I nap too we do a movie in the afternoon so that’s a rest time so I can work my way through the day.
For me sleep is going to get more difficult as I have been accepted to University and so I will be studying and once the Covid-19 situation eases I will be travelling to university which is a good hour and a half each way so this will add to the tiredness which already comes with IBS. The problem with IBS is fatigue is a constant with our bodies struggling with the constipation/diarrhoea, pain, discomfort and bloating. In truth the problem with any chronic health problem, the constant battle with our bodies and minds creates such draining and often affects all parts of our lives.
Sleep is a situation that we cannot completely control as so many factors work against this, I have been using meditation to fall asleep in a more relaxed state. Whether I stay asleep is down to little one sleeping, the heat and whether my partner snores!
